Sober Living in Massachusetts: What You Need To Know

Sober living in Massachusetts can provide a link between rehab and the realities of everyday life. After exiting a treatment facility and going home, you might have difficulty settling into your routine. Sober living homes offer a middle-ground that gives the opportunity to strengthen the knowledge gained during rehab. For a lot of people in recovery, relocating to a sober living home after treatment can mean the contrast between relapse and staying sober. Continue reading to learn about sober living and everything you can expect from this transitional living program.

What is Sober Living?

A sober living home is a peer-run residence meant to help individuals stay sober. This is accomplished through the need to remain sober, attending recovery meetings, and taking part in the home’s activities. Individuals who occupy these homes lease rooms for an indefinite period of time, and live a life that is in line with their duties, such as working and studying. Most of the inhabitants of these homes have recently finished an inpatient or outpatient treatment plan. Losing the structure of the treatment plan can be very damaging to one’s sobriety, so treatment plans have set plans that include therapy, group therapy, and taking part in various activities. sober living in Massachusetts Sober living houses don’t provide individual or group therapy, however, they do give structure and assistance to help people sustain their abstinence. Moreover, keeping one’s sobriety often involves living in an environment with no access to drugs and alcohol. Sober living facilities are viewed as a pathway for people in recovery to integrate back into mainstream society.

Sober Living Home vs. Halfway House

It is important to keep in mind that sober living houses are unlike halfway houses in many ways. Although both of these types of residences are set up to aid individuals in staying sober and adjusting to living in the community, there are numerous distinguishing factors between the two.

Sober Living

For individuals who have just finished a drug rehab program, sober living houses are usually suggested. Abruptly leaving the structure of the treatment program can be disruptive and sometimes lead to relapse. As a result, sober living houses offer a place to transition to a life without addiction, giving people the chance to build up skills and a sense of community while familiarizing themselves with the demands of everyday life. These residences are completely free of substance use and have people in recovery offering each other support. There is no set amount of time for how long a person can stay in a sober living house. Although there may be some expectations for participation in meetings and other household tasks, there is no formal treatment program within the home.

Halfway House

Sober re-entry programs, which are more commonly referred to as halfway houses, can be structured differently. Some of them are specifically meant for people who were previously incarcerated, while others may function as a more intensive residential facility with recovery programming, requirements, and staff in the house. However, one thing that remains the same is that there is a limit to how long someone can stay in a halfway house. To avoid confusion and make sure you find the right fit, it is essential to ask questions about the expectations and structure of the home in question. As such, it is important to research as much information as you can about each residence before making a decision.

How Long Can You Live in a Sober Living Home?

If you are still taking advantage of the assistance provided by your sober living home and you are financially able to keep living there, it will only do more to help your recovery. It is natural to ponder over how long you should stay in a sober living home, particularly if this is your maiden recovery attempt. However, instead of concentrating on your stay duration, it is more important to pay attention to the assistance you’re receiving and how that is currently affecting your life in recovery. Peer assistance is always vital for recovery, but the initial few weeks, months, and years of sobriety are usually the most precarious. Remaining in a sober living home throughout this time will permit you to create a strong support system in recovery, develop strength in sobriety, and adopt new habits and behaviors that will reinforce your sobriety and avoid relapse. sober living in Massachusetts The National Institute on Drug Abuse has stated that the success of a treatment program is determined by the amount of time spent in it. The exact amount of time needed for a successful recovery will depend on the individual’s situation, history, and commitment to treatment, but the longer a person is in a sober living treatment program, the more likely they are to stay sober indefinitely.

Are Sober Living Programs Effective?

Yes, sober living is effective. Evidence has demonstrated that a stay at a sober living home is beneficial in maintaining sobriety, ranging from fewer relapses to long-term abstinence. Research on sober living houses additionally indicates that those living there are more likely to secure a job and less likely to be arrested. Even though there are studies that back up the effectiveness of sober living houses, it is critical to keep in mind that they are still communal dwellings with the primary purpose to remain sober.

What to Expect

Unlike an inpatient treatment center where individuals are entirely focused on their recovery plan and have a limited amount of freedom, those residing in a sober living home are not confined to the premises and can come and go as they desire. This allows individuals in recovery the opportunity to feel like they are slowly getting back to their normal lives, and can start to take on their normal everyday tasks and duties. Even though sober living homes are much less rigid than inpatient facilities, there are still rules that must be followed, like curfews and participation in group meetings. Residing in a sober living home has numerous advantages, such as participating in twelve-step programs, having a set structure, accountability, and a sober fellowship. Developing positive relationships plays a large role in remaining sober and is a key element of sober living homes. This support system helps to avoid the loneliness that could occur when coming back home during the recovery process. It also provides an atmosphere that encourages recovery from alcohol and drug addiction for those recently out of rehab. These sober living homes offer a blend of liberty and structure to assist the person in adapting to life after rehab. They are designed especially to act as a bridge between rehab and the outside world.

What Does Sober Living in Massachusetts Cost?

Renting a sober living house can cost anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per month and is dependent on the location and what kind of amenities are included, like meals and other services. Utilities may be included in this cost, making living there less expensive. Insurance companies are not likely to cover the costs of this type of residence, since it is not considered to be a mental health treatment facility. sober living in Massachusetts In most cases, sober living homes are financially autonomous and do not accept insurance. However, insurance coverage can help with addiction treatments, such as therapy. Even if money is a concern, there are still ways to get the help you need. If you consider that living in a sober living house would be beneficial, here are a few methods of paying for your stay:

Consult with Treatment Provider

Consult with your addiction treatment provider to see if there are any financial options available for your stay in a sober living residence. They can also provide you with information about sober living houses that offer variable payment plans.

Finance Your Stay

Taking out a loan may not be the most desirable choice for a lot of people, mainly because of the high-interest rates and obstacles to borrowing like having a low credit rating. Nevertheless, it can be advantageous. Prior to going ahead, you should consider how owing money could influence your stress levels and, as a result, have an adverse effect on your sobriety.

Apply for Grants

The Changing Lives Foundation provides assistance to those in trouble with their finances, medical expenses, and rent by way of grants. These grants are for people experiencing sudden fiscal distress, medical costs, and unfortunate events.

Is Sober Living Right For You?

A sober living home may be an excellent choice for a lot of individuals. If you have just come out of a rehabilitation facility or completed an outpatient program, it can give you the support system you require. If you have recently gone back to using drugs or alcohol and have found that being around them or not having structure is especially stimulating, this type of setting may be the right solution for you. Moreover, a transitional housing center with a sobriety policy could be incredibly beneficial if you are struggling to find a safe place to live, mostly because of addiction problems. To make sure that an individual is successful in their efforts to manage addiction or substance abuse and remain abstinent in the long term, they should find housing that is free of drugs and provides a stable environment conducive to recovery. As relapse is often the result of living in an environment that is detrimental, locating a sober living home with dependable staff and a safe and successful atmosphere is crucial. Moreover, the location of the facility needs to be taken into account. It should be in a safe area, and close to their job or college, a grocery store, public transportation, a laundromat, and a healthcare center. It is recommended to also pick a superior sober living home that is located away from one’s hometown, as being removed from the environment that caused the addiction in the first place can help one stay away from relapse. It is possible that family and friends can be a hindrance to recovery, or even be a factor in relapse, while having support from the right people can be advantageous. sober living in Massachusetts

Sober Living in Massachusetts at East Coast Recovery Homes

At East Coast Recovery Homes in Massachusetts, our aim is to help individuals achieve lasting sobriety by constructing an environment conducive to recovery. We motivate those under our care to embrace positive changes to their lifestyles by way of adventures, reinforcement, and advice from peers. Group meetings and outings are held weekly to cultivate a sense of solidarity. The bond between house members provides them with the strength to face difficulties and meet their goals. If you or a loved one is in need of sober housing in Massachusetts, contact the professionals at East Coast Recovery Homes today. We are here to help you.  

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