ECR Experience

A productive, sober future is now an option for you.

What We Do

East Coast Recovery is a group of people in recovery who want to see more of us recover from drug and alcohol addiction. We understand what it is to be thoroughly addicted and what it means to see our options dwindle. We have found a way out of this common problem that many of us share. Please join us in our common solution of the 12 steps of Recovery. We will show you , step by step, precisely how to recover. We can show you how to live life on life’s terms in a positive, sober way. Peace of mind is now an option for you Being able to express your love to those closest to you, is now an option for you.

What To Expect

Principles of The 12 Steps

Bill W. considered each step to be a spiritual principle in and of itself. However, particularly in the 12 & 12. he outlined the spiritual principles behind each step. Some of them seem like common sense, but understand going into the exercise that reading these principles and actually practicing them in your day-to-day lives are two entirely different things (and that the latter requires vigilance and willingness).


Fairness and straightforwardness of conduct: adherence to the facts. Perhaps some will feel this way upon reaching Step One, but certainly not all. Most of us need to develop other principles before this type of acceptance sets in.


To expect with desire; something on which hopes are centered. To get ourselves out of the funk that sometimes accompanies Step One, we must begin seeking a solution to our problems. This begins in Step Two, when we develop hope that a solution exists and that we can make use of it.​


As discussed above, faith implies trust. Some describe this trust as blind, but it does not originate from nowhere. Instead, it develops from experience.


The firmness of mind and will in the face of extreme difficulty: mental or moral strength to withstand fear. The word "fearless" in Step Four implies courage, but not how you might think. Many of us do indeed fear the process of taking a long, hard look at our past. But we express all of the first four principles in doing so anyway.​


The quality or state of being complete or undivided; soundness. The word "integrity" bears a few meanings. In one sense, it suggests the maintenance of our moral values. It might also mean a state of wholeness, as in the term "structural Integrity."


Prompt to act or respond; accepted and done of choice or without reluctance. Step Six sounds like a tall order. Fortunately, it does not actually ask that we remove all shortcomings. It simply asks that we become ready and willing to try.


Not proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive; a clear and concise understanding of what we are, followed by a sincere desire to become what we can be. We often confuse humility with humiliation, but this definition doesn't work. If humiliation were all it took to get sober. most of us would have succeeded after our first blockout.


Unselfish concern that freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his good to hold dear. As mentioned from the start. some lists apply different principles to a few of the Steps. This includes Step Eight, although brotherly love tends to appear on most versions.


Training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character; to bring under control; to train or develop by instruction. We actually see discipline pop up on Step Eight and Step Nine quite a bit as well. On such lists, Step Ten usually replaces discipline with perseverance.


Steadfast despite opposition or adversity; able or willing to bear; to persist in an understanding in spite of counter influences. Responsibility and justice form the core principles of this Step. You'll generally see one or the other listed, but we note them both here due to the important relationship between them.


Alive and alert: vigilance in observing. Upon reaching Step Eleven, we find ourselves able to embrace numerous spiritual principles. Great-now what do we actually do with them? Our principles benefit us and those we love, but we may still lack a fundamental sense of purpose.


A helpful act, a contribution to the welfare of others; useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity. First of all, we should note that many do not hear Step Twelve correctly when read aloud. They think of the spiritual awakening as "a" result, not "the" result. This one tiny word, however, makes a huge difference.

House Rules

Drug Testing

While a resident of East Coast Recovery you will be expected to provide random drug screens. Refusal to give a urine will result in immediate discharge. A positive drug/alcohol screen will also result in immediate discharge.


How do I know my loved one is on drugs?

No one wants to admit their loved one is a drug addict or alcoholic. Unfortunately, in our society today, people are becoming chemically dependent on a daily basis. There are a few specific things to look for to help you see the problem before it gets too out of control. Any drastic change in behavior may raise a concern, such as lack of interest in school/grades, family, or activities. Here are a few things to look for:

My loved one says he/she wants to stop their drug use and is willing to get better. Where do we start?

When dealing with drug addicts and alcoholics, there are very few opportunities to make a move for treatment. Because you are dealing with some of the most unwilling people in the world, the desire to seek help can disappear in a second, leaving the next opportunity unknown. However, there are a few steps you can take to be prepared for when it comes. One, familiarize yourself with local detox facilities and rehab centers. Create a list with phone numbers and contacts. Two, devise a plan the entire family is willing to support and put into action when your loved one asks for help. Three, your loved one will need to be physically removed from his/her drug of choice before entering an intensive long-term treatment program. Four it is important the addict plays a part in seeking recovery and that you are not doing more work than your loved one.

When seeking out a "sober living" house, what should we be looking for?

There are a plethora of “sober” houses throughout New England, but unfortunately not all of them live up to the standards we believe are crucial. The first consideration, make sure the person who is managing or owns the sober house is actually in recovery themselves. This is important because you can be assured the person running the house is going to encourage and guide the residents in their own recovery. Next, ask about the rules of the house and familiarize yourself with the standards for accountability. For example, if a house has a rule that residents are to progress in the 12-Steps, how will the house manager hold the resident accountable? An environment where your loved one can sleep in and watch TV all day is not healthy or conducive to recovery. You will want to know who is living in the house as it is beneficial to choose a sober living house that has a high standard of who they accept. A quality sober house will only accept people who have completed some type of long term, in-patient treatment, usually a minimum of 30 days. This will ensure that the other residents at the house have been clean for a period of time and are pursuing recovery. If you discover a sober house that has constant turn around, people entering and exiting weekly, the best thing to do is follow your gut.

How do I know my loved one is getting better?

This is a question that all parents and loved ones of a drug addict want to know. When your loved one has started the path of 12-Step recovery, you will begin to notice little changes in their lives. The changes are not about their appearance, health, or having a job, but real changes in them as a person. Two of the problems an addict suffers from are selfishness and dishonesty. If your loved one is in recovery, being employed, going to meetings, connecting with his/her sponsor and it doesn’t sound like a chore to them, this is a positive sign they are serious about their recovery. Another good sign is when they include you in decisions they need to make in recovery. They will ask questions such as “should I take this job,” “should I leave the sober house,” “what do you think I should do?” This shows their selfishness is diminishing and they are consciously aware of how their decisions can impact others. When your loved one is living honestly, is no longer depending upon you and is taking responsibility for their own actions, you can feel assured your loved one is on the right path. They are beginning to live a sober life.

How do I know my loved one is ready to leave living?

This can sometimes be difficult to answer due to the dishonest nature of addiction. Often times, even in sobriety, addicts and alcoholics can appear to be doing well on the outside, but have not yet grown on the inside. They may say many of the right things to make you believe they are ready to leave because they are eager to move on. Because their physical health has improved, they are employed, they are in a relationship, they have a little money in their pocket, etc., does not necessarily mean they are ready to move beyond sober living. A more important gauge of how they are doing is to look at their behavior to see how they are treating other people. Are they honest? Do they seem engaged with family and friends? Do they have a solid recovery network? Have they become more independent financially, emotionally, or with their responsibilities? Or are they still relying on you financially or demanding your attention? An addict who is genuinely living a 12-Step recovery program will be more conscious of other people’s needs and no longer require your help on a regular basis. It is also important to determine what their motive is for moving out and if they have a well-thought out plan.

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